“Shut Up and Play the Hits” is a 2012 documentary directed by the hip and young Dylan Souther and Will Lovelace. It follows James Murphy during the 48-hour period surrounding his band’s final concert in Madison Square Garden before its breakup in 2010.
Tag: the roar news
Improv troupes prepare for this weekend’s biannual performances
Consol’s Warped Improv Troupe and Faculty Improv Troupe practice for their upcoming performances and talk with The Roar about the most difficult and most rewarding parts of an improv group.
Gallery: Sophomores explore nature during field trip
Sophomores embarked on a nature field trip to Texas A&M’s Ecology and Natural Resources Teaching Area on Thursday, April 10. The trip concluded their nature unit, which aimed to reflect on and appreciate nature’s beauty.
Q&A: Senior Connor White on beating viral iPhone game
The Roar talks to senior Connor White about his top-25 high score in 2048, an addictive game that has swept over the mobile phones of over 9 million people.
Breaking barriers to empathy requires concerted effort
Read as junior Rojas Oliva works through some heavy topics–judgment, loneliness, and just plain caring about one another.
Teachers uncover hidden musical talent, lifestyle outside classroom
Many dream of being able to play and create music, but for three Consol teachers, this dream is a reality.
Photo of the day: ‘Be-You-tiful Week’ aims to raise self esteem, motivate students
Today marked the end of Be-You-tiful Week, a week dedicated to showing students that inner beauty is more important that outer beauty.
Ping Pong Club provides unique after-school activity for dedicated players
Everyone loves Fridays; whether it is because there is time to relax until Monday, a full weekend of fun or a football game in the evening, Fridays seem the best days of the week. But there is a certain group of people that prefer Friday afternoons to Friday night lights.
Slick ‘Cosmos’ update retains spirit of original series
Astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson’s “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” blends stunning visuals with a sense of wonder present in its predecessor, hosted by astronomer Carl Sagan.
Armadillo Dash offers runners challenge, fun while raising money for charity
This past sunday, hundreds of runners gathered in Veterans Park to compete in the eighth annual Armadillo Dash half marathon and 5K.