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Photo Gallery: “The Island” Dress Rehearsal 10/18/22

Tiger Theatre held their first full dress rehearsal of their upcoming show The Island on Oct. 18 after school until 8 p.m.. A dress-rehearsal includes full-out makeup and costume and completely running through the show from the beginning. 

During the process of applying each makeup look, the actors displayed each character’s design on the mirrors while each actor had their look applied.

After the hard work of makeup and costume was over, each character was called onto the stage for theatre teacher and Head Director Randal Williamson to examine.

Lastly, the cast and crew started to run through the show.


“We have a whole new light system that makes the show look so much better. We built a whole elaborate set, so we have a big set. The show is very engaging to the audience. It’s not just stuck on stage; we go running around in the audience. It’s much bigger than past shows. We normally were known for small and intimate [shows], especially from our one act play. This year we’re trying to go big or go home. That’s our whole motto.”

-Senior Kerrigan Derrick – President of Tiger Theatre, Official Dramaturgy and Captain in The Island on the size and high-quality of the production


“This is the most makeup we’ve ever had at all for Tiger Theatre, and we use prosthetics and SFX. So I think that’s pretty dope. And it’s the most people we’ve never had. Pull up.” 

-Senior Morgan Simmons – Head of Makeup and Aissa in The Island on the show’s makeup and effects


“I’ve definitely seen a change in the cast from day one to where we are now, and I think that’s really important because it shows that they are able to grow and shows that in future shows, they will be really, really good. And this is just the first step to that.”

-Junior Rebekah Concklin – Head Stage Manager and Prop Design on the actor’s hard work and development


“I cut shirts out and put animal print underneath, so you can see that [the actors are] animal-like, but they’re not actually animals. I feel like you don’t recognize that humans are so much like animals until you realize they also experience pain.”

-Sophomore Lana Hightower – Head of Costume Design and Azazello in the Island on a takeaway from the show and costuming


“The show is about this evil genius named Doctor Moreau that has come up with a plan to basically slice-and-dice animals with humans to create a superior humanity. Then, while he’s he’s on this island doing this, a lady gets washed up on shore, and she’s a lawyer for the Bill Gates Foundation. It’s a story about how she goes insane because she’s stuck on this island, and all this half-animal, half-humans bother her and how she connects with them. It’s based on H. G. Wells’ novella The Island of Doctor Moreau, so it’s based on a classical piece of literature. It relates to what we’re going through right now with ecological environment disasters. It’s Halloween, and it’s a scary play, so why not see somebody kind of scary for Halloween. And it’s seven bucks. A cheap date.”

-Theater Teacher Randal Williamson – Head Director of the Island on the concept of the play and why people should watch




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