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10 Things to Know for this Week

  1. Category 4 hurricane Laura leaves Louisiana with devastating floods, a power outage and as of Sept. 2 there have been 15 total deaths.   
  2. Texas attorney general, Ken Paxton, sued Harris County on Monday due to the county’s mail-in voting application plan.  
  3. Texas A&M president, Michael Young, announced his retirement in May.
  4. A cargo ship carrying 43 crew members and 6,000 cattle has been reported missing off the seas of Japan during storm.
  5. Afghanistan approved putting the mother’s name on IDs, a small victory for women following the #Whereismyname movement.
  6. Health officials warn to practice caution during Labour Day weekend in order to limit the spread of COVID-19.
  7. Pharmaceutical companies beginning to test vaccines for COVID-19, say there could be one available by November. 
  8. Facebook began to crack down on political ads, Zuckerberg claims they could undermine the election.
  9. The stock market is amidst a plunge, tech companies are being sold off and others hundreds of dropping points.
  10. Survivor of Beirut blast detected under rubble a month after destruction.  

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