Opinions, Reviews

The Roar Reviews: Parasite

Bong Joon-ho’s “Parasite” is definitely a must-see movie. From the quality acting to the movie’s well-devised plotline, “Parasite” is a near-perfect piece. The movie is set in modern-day South Korea and is based around the financially struggling Kim family. The son of the family, Ki-woo, manages to get a job working as a tutor for the rich Park family. Despite having no actual tutoring experience or even an educational degree, Ki-woo is still able to fool the Parks into paying him. Slowly, he manages to get the rest of his family hired — all of whom are pretending to be experts in certain occupations. The Kim family’s strategy of infiltration illustrates how greed and class inequality can lead to societal problems. The end of the movie is especially reminiscent of that situation, showing that it has led to deaths from both sides. Although the movie’s plotline has slim to no chance of actually occurring, it helps the audience better understand how economic inequality has the potential to create societal divides. Overall, the movie’s great actors and storyline solidify it as an exceptionally good movie.

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