1. Almost a week after Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida, over 1,000 people remain in Red Cross shelters. Many people who decided to wait out the storm in their own homes have been filing into these shelters over the past few days. Towns and cities in Florida still lack electricity, water, and cell service causing people to stay in the shelters until such further issues are fixed.
2. Protests continue in St. Louis concerning a police officer who shoot and killed a black male. Things got hectic as the protest raised violence against police, including throwing objects at them and smashing windows.
3. President Trump has made the final decision to end DACA raising some concern against Trump supporters. However, more than 70% of Trump supporters were in favor of ending DACA because they felt it was the “right thing to do.”
4. Hurricane Maria is slowly strengthening to a category 4 hurricane and is headed for the Caribbean islands. Many of the islands that were hit by Hurricane Irma only a week ago will endure yet another devastating hurricane.
5. North Korea fires a missile over Japan for the second time this month. This raises concerns that only in a matter of time, North Korea will gain nuclear missiles capable of being aimed at the U.S.
6. After a terrorist attack in London on Saturday evening, police were able to arrest a 21 year old man possibly linked to the attack. 29 people were injured when an explosion went of in an a train car at the Parsons Green subway station in Fullham.
7. On Wednesday, there was a fatal school shooting in Washington at Washington State High School. When confronted in the hallway, sophomore Caleb Sharpe pulled a gun on the student and killed two others while doing so
8. Four students from Boston College were attacked by a women with acid on Sunday morning in Saint-Charles train station in Marseille, France. Two of the students suffered injuries to the face and the other two students were able to walk away with no injuries.
9. Two buses collided in Queens, New York causing 3 to die and 15 the be injured. The incident occurred when a charter bus was carelessly speeding through an intersection and hit another bus that was turning.
10. A&M was finally able to pull off a win against Louisiana Lafayette last weekend. Going into half time it wasn’t looking good for the Aggies, however they were able to come back and deliver a well played game.