The Roar keeps you updated with local news, recent events and interesting stories ― everything you need to know for this week.
1. Over the past week, Microsoft underwent major reorganization, slashing thousands of jobs, mostly sales positions. The company announced that the remaining sales team would now focus on Azure, Microsoft’s cloud service.
2. America debated over the appropriateness of a tweet issued by president Donald Trump which showed him wrestling CNN to the ground. The creator of the edited video was contacted by CNN and later apologized, prompting some to raise concerns of blackmail.
3. President Donald Trump offered to assist patient Charlie Gard last Monday. Gard’s parents are fighting a legal battle to keep their son on life support and transfer him to the US for experimental treatments, while English courts have ruled that the 11-m0nth-old should be allowed to die with dignity.
4. North Korea launched its most successful missile test to date on Tuesday. Officials claimed that the ICBM tested could reach the US mainland.
5. On Wednesday, Tesla shares moved ahead of General Motors shares, which slid almost 7%. The shift came with the announcement that the highly anticipated Model 3 vehicle would go into mass production on Friday.
6. Joan Lee, wife of Marvel legend Stan Lee, died last Thursday. She was 95.
7. On Thursday, Netflix gave the go-ahead Ava DuVernay’s series on the Central Park Five. It will be streamed in five parts, and is expected to release in 2019.
8. Paris authorities removed more than 2,700 migrants and refugees that had taken up residence along roads on Friday. The evacuation was made for health and safety reasons, and camp residents were relocated to local shelters.
9. The US airstrike closed in on the Old City of Raqqa last Friday. Rebels and other international forces have begun to circle around the ISIS stronghold.
10. Women’s rights advocate Malala Yousafzai became a high school graduate on Saturday. Yousafzai first gained fame for her struggle to gain access to education.