Briefs, News

Ten things to know for the week: July 25

Mary Altaffer/AP Photo
Mary Altaffer/AP Photo

The Roar keeps you updated with local news, recent events and interesting stories ― everything you need to know for this week.

1. The Democratic National Convention began today following a massive email leak that prompted the resignation of Democratic National Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz as well as protests from Sanders supports who refuse to support Hillary Clinton.

2. 15 people have died as a result of a knife attack in Japan on Monday at a facility for people with disabilities; 45 more were injured.

3. In Fort Myers, Florida, two teenagers were shot and at least 16 others wounded at a beach-themed event for teenagers at a nightclub shortly after midnight.

4. Verizon has acquired Yahoo for $4.8 billion and plans to merge it with AOL. CEO Marissa Meyer, following four years at the company, will reportedly be given $57 million as a severance package.

5. Hillary Clinton selected Tim Kaine as her running mate. Kaine, a senator from Virginia, is known for his foreign policy experience and speaks fluent Spanish.

6. Over the past week in Germany, ten people have been killed and 25 injured in four separate attacks, further amplifying the xenophobic sentiment growing in the European Union.

7. Consol Lady Tigers’ Basketball Coach Karen Heintz is retiring after 38 years of coaching and six years at Consol.

8. Wildfires have been burning in Central and Southern California for the last few days and have covered over 50,000 acres and evacuated thousands of people.

9. Roger Ailes, the head of the media giant Fox News, left his position at the corporation amidst allegations of sexual harassment that came to light after an anchor filed a lawsuit.

10. After an appeals court held up the ban on Russian track and field athletes, the entire Russian delegation has been faced with sanctions that stopped just short of preventing the athletes from participating in the Rio Games, due to start August 5.

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