Multimedia, People

Video: Junior Ryan Romero plays music to distract from school, bond with friends

by Darcey Rydl, news editor

If you’re ever walking in the upstairs hallways early in the morning before school, don’t be alarmed if you hear music coming from the tech class.

“I will just go play about 30 minutes before school starts,” junior Ryan Romero said. “Then somebody in the room will grab [the guitar], play it, and we’ll teach each other stuff.”

Romero originally decided to bring his guitar to school when his job conflicted with the time he needed to practice at home.

“I play at school because it’s like a second home,” Romero said. “I play during the classes that are normally quiet or have free days; I’ll grab a couple of my buddies and we’ll just go play.”

Although Romero doesn’t play anything big, he plays for himself.

“No Van Halen. No Metallica,” Romero said. “I do like playing those pretty guitar riffs that are there to be quiet but are elegant.”

Out of the twelve instruments Romero can play, piano and guitar are among his favorite.

“I have been playing [guitar] for about a total of seven years,” Romero said. “It’s just something fun to do and it keeps me moving.”

In the future Romero hopes to join one of his friends and perform at First Friday in Downtown Bryan.

“He booked himself a gig and I think if I practice more with him, we could both squeeze in one good First Friday before the year’s done,” Romero said.


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