Briefs, News

Ten things to know for the week: October 19


The Roar keeps you updated with local news, recent events and interesting stories ― everything you need to know for this week:

  1. Ohio delayed executions until 2017 due to troubles finding lethal injection drugs. According to the Prison department, they ran out of their previous supply.
  2. Tension between Israel and Palestine has greatly increased over the last month and over 50 people have been killed, 39 Palestinians and nine Israelis, according to recent numbers.  This outbreak of violence has brought fear to both sides.
  3. The Democratic debate took place between Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Lincoln Chafee, Martin O’Malley and Jim Webb.  Many people think Bernie Sanders excelled, yet Hillary Clinton was declared the winner of the debate.
  4. Ahmed Mohamed, the Muslim teen who was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school is going to the White House on Monday.  Earlier this week he traveled to Sudan and met with the President Omar Al-Bashi, who is accused by the U.S. and ICC for war crimes and the Darfur genocide.
  5. Canadian elections are taking place this week; these elections are historic for Canada, in part because these are one of the longest election ever to take place, lasting 78 days.  The race is between three parties, but unlike the U.S., each individual local election result will decide which party takes power and whether Stephen Harper, the current prime minister, will be re-elected for the fourth time in a row.
  6. The University of Texas at Austin expressed their displeasure over new laws that would allow guns on campuses. A draft of the bill is in the Texas house, and law is scheduled to take effect before next school year.
  7. Two people were hit by a truck and killed while crossing University Drive by Northgate. The event took place early Sunday morning, and an investigation is ongoing.
  8. After speaker of the house John Boehner announced his resignation, the Republicans have still not found a replacement.  Many Republicans are looking at Paul Ryan to take the job, but he has not announced if he is willing to take the position.  Additionally, if Paul Ryan does not accept the position, Republicans are looking for Boehner to remain speaker until a later point when they can agree upon a replacement.
  9. On Saturday the Texas A&M football team lost to Alabama 41-23.
  10. On Saturday night, four people were injured and one person was killed in a shooting at a zombie convention in Florida.

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