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Ten things to know for the week: October 5th

A perigee full moon, or supermoon, is seen behind the Washington Monument during a total lunar eclipse on Sunday, September 27, 2015, in Washington, DC. The combination of a supermoon and total lunar eclipse last occurred in 1982 and will not happen again until 2033.  Photo Credit: (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)
Photo Credit: (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)

The Roar keeps you updated with local news, recent events and interesting stories ― everything you need to know for this week.

1. This week Hurricane Joaquin has been wreaking havoc across countries along the Atlantic Ocean. The slow-moving tropical storm struck first along the eastern United States coast before turning strengthening and turning south to the Bahamas. Among the missing are the 33 passengers of a cargo ship that went missing in the hurricane.

2. Early last Monday morning, the total lunar eclipse of a ‘supermoon’, also known as a Blood Moon, was visible for a little over an hour. The next supermoon eclipse will not take plus until 2033.

3. The fashion designer Ralph Lauren announced Tuesday he was stepping down after almost half a century as chief executive. Ralph Lauren will be headed by Stefan Larsson, a former H&M executive and acting president of Old Navy.

4. Last Wednesday the Palestinian flag was raised for the first time outside U.N. headquarters.

5. On Wednesday morning, Kelly Renee Gissendaner became the first Georgian woman in 70 years to receive the death penalty. Gissendaner pled guilty to arranging her husband’s murder in 1997. A plea for mercy that drew the support of Pope Francis was rejected by the state panel.

6. Last Thursday, a gunman killed 10 people in an Oregon community college. President Obama delivered a speech renouncing the frequency of public shootings in America. “Our thoughts and prayers are not enough,” Obama said.

7. China’s Golden Week began last Thursday. Several million Chinese celebrated the 66th anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China by taking trips abroad.

8. Last Friday, The Martian opened with a $55 million debut at the box office. The survival story of an astronaut stranded on Mars has been praised by critics as one of the most scientifically accurate sci-fi films of all time. Thinking of seeing it? Read our review here.

9. On Saturday the Texas A&M Aggies defeated the Mississippi State Bulldogs 30-17 to remain undefeated this season.

10. Today Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg announced the company’s plans to beam internet from space into communities that are hard to access. The AMOS-6 satellite is set to launch in 2016 and deliver internet to much of sub-Saharan Africa.

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