The Roar keeps you updated with local news, recent events and interesting stories ― everything you need to know for this week.
1. Chili Fest 2015 raised $141,000 which goes to fourteen local charities
2. 59 year old Bryan resident Paul Sterling recently died in a car accident involving a sedan, a pickup truck and an 18 wheeler. The accident occurred on Highway 21 near FM 2818. Sterling was not wearing his seatbelt at the time of the crash.
3. Atkinson Toyota’s “It Pays to Stay” banquet more than doubled in size this year. Atkinson Toyota and its sponsors awarded 35 $1,000 scholarships and a new Toyota Scion to high school seniors with perfect attendance.
4. 10 republicans (Cruz, Paul, Rubio, Carson, Fiorina, Huckabee, Santorum, Pataki, Graham and Perry) and 4 democrats (Clinton, Sanders, O’Malley, and Chafee) have officially announced their presidential candidacy as of today.
5. Nearly 30 million hens have been infected with bird flu. Due to this, the price of eggs has nearly doubled since May.
6. A recent video shows a police officer pulling his gun on unarmed teens attending a pool party. The outrage was immediate, and the officer in the video is on administrative leave.
7. A man in Fort Lauderdale, Florida recently tried to sell a live shark outside of a local grocery store. There is now a “rough, shark shaped stain on the sidewalk”.
8. President Obama strongly believes Islamic State militants will be driven out of Iraq. But, the President adds that success against the militants will ultimately depend on an effective international coalition backing Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
9. Construction for the giant Magellan telescope in Chile began last week. It will cost $1 billion to build the 200-foot tall telescope. Texas A&M University has donated $50 million to help the project.
10. South Korea is currently fighting a MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) outbreak. A total of 87 people have been infected; there have been 6 reported deaths, 2,500 are quarantined, and 1,800 schools are closed due to the virus.