2015-2016 Staff

The Roar newspaper is an award-winning paper that publishes both in print and online and is currently maintained by a staff of 15 students at A&M Consolidated High School in College Station, TX. Its print edition is published every six weeks; the online edition is meant to be a supplement to the print edition, where breaking news can be published as well as additional content such as photos and multimedia.

The Roar Staff 2015-2016

Editor-in-chief: Annie Zhang

Managing editor: Stephanie Palazzolo

Executive editor: Vi Burgess

Senior editor: Rachel Lamb

Photography & online editor: Haley Mitchell

News editor: Darcey Rydl

Opinions editor: Jennifer Zhan

Assistant-online editor: Josh Weimer

Entertainment editor: Olivia Garrett

Assistant editors: Yanichka Ariunbold, June Jeong, Drew Howerton, Maya Rios, Katerina Kountakis

Adviser: Michael Williams

Assistant adviser: Chauncey Lindner