
Q&A: Junior Brett Stevens on volunteering at summer camp

Sophomore Brett Leopold, junior Brett Stevens, and senior Ryan Brauer pose with a camper. Camp Adventure took place over the first two weeks of summer.
Sophomore Brett Leopold, junior Brett Stevens, and senior Ryan Brauer pose with a child from Camp Adventure.

by Sydney Garrett, staff reporter 

The Roar interviewed junior Brett Stevens on his involvement in Camp Adventure, a summer camp sponsored by the Health and Kinesiology Department of Texas A&M University.

What is Camp Adventure, and what sorts of things do the campers do?

Camp Adventure is an outdoor camp at Texas A&M that lasts two weeks in the summer. Some of the activities include canoeing, recreational games, sports, and arts & crafts.

Describe the atmosphere of camp.

As counselors, we try to make the atmosphere as friendly as possible. We want to make the children feel comfortable, especially with any problems they might have. Overall, we try to help everyone out.

What’s your relationship like with the other counselors?

It’s pretty good. We all know that we have to work together, and it’s important that we do in order to keep the camp running. We share our experiences during the day and learn from each other.

Why did you decide to start working at Camp Adventure?

I was a camper for about two or three years, and I knew that I wanted to work with kids, as a job. I thought this would be a good opportunity to prepare me for how kids work and how they think.

How many years have you worked at Camp Adventure, and what does your job generally consist of?

I’ve worked here for three years, and all three years I have been a counselor-in-training. Mostly that consists of helping out the counselors or camp directors in any way possible, and sometimes watching over the kids.

What has this camp taught you?

It’s taught me to be patient with every kid. Not everybody is the same, and so each child requires different care.

What’s your favorite part of camp?

My favorite part of camp is probably getting to be a role model for the children, having them look up to me, and being able to help out with everybody. It’s just a good experience.

Do you plan to volunteer next year?

Yes I do, and, once I graduate, I plan to become a counselor, rather than a counselor-in-training.


Interested in learning more about Camp Adventure? Check out their website here.

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