Briefs, News

Ten things to know for the week: June 19

1. The Golden State Warriors defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers in Game 5 of the NBA Finals on June 12. The final score was 129-120.

2. The 24-story Grenfell Tower erupted into flames in London, England on June 14. The tragic apartment building fire killed 79 people.

3. On Friday, President Trump announced restrictions regarding travel and business in Cuba. Although Trump said he is completely changing Obama’s policy, it is only partially altering the previous strategy. 

4. On Friday, Amazon announced that it is buying the Whole Foods chain for $13.7 billion. The chain will keep its name as a separate unit of the company. 

5. The USS Fitzgerald crashed into a cargo container near Japan on June 17. On Sunday, the Navy released details about the collision and seven sailors who died aboard. 

6. On Saturday morning, Judge Steven O’Niell declared a mistrial of Bill Cosby’s sexual assault trial. The jury failed to reach a unanimous verdict over 5 days. 

7. A man was arrested after driving a car into a group of worshippers on Sunday in Finsbury Park, London. 1 person died at the scene and 10 others were injured. 

8. Last Saturday, Beyonce gave birth to twins. Their birth was highly expected after her pregnancy announcement post broke the record for most Instagram likes on February 1. 

9. The Aggie Baseball team lost 8-4 to Louisville on Sunday in the first game of the College World Series. 

10. On Tuesday, Jeff Sessions gave his highly anticipated testimony for the case of Russia interfering with the 2016 election. He refused to answer questions about why Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, and denied that Russia had any interference.


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