Multimedia, People

IT students collect electronic waste, give back to community

by Drew Howerton, section editor

On Saturday, November 12, information technology students participated in Electronics for the Environment, a service project where they collected old computers and other e-waste to be recycled.

The project was a partnership with the IT Recycling Group, a national organization that specializes in recycling e-waste.

Information technology teacher Bart Taylor says the event educates students on the issues that old electronics cause the environment.

“We live, eat, sleep and breathe technology,” Taylor said. “We also have to educate ourselves with what happens to technology when it goes bad or gets old.”

While some students volunteer in order to find hidden technological treasures, Taylor says that the message is still clear.

“Electronics for the Environment allows my students to connect what they are learning in the classrooms to the impact we have on our community, the environment and their own future.”

In addition to learning about environmental issues, Taylor says the event connects his students’ learning experience to community needs.

“We received constant feedback from the community every year to check to see if we are going to host the electronics collection,” he said. “There is a need and demand from this community.”

Check out a gallery of the event here:

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