
Ten things to know for the week: October 17


The Roar keeps you updated with local news, recent events and interesting stories ― everything you need to know for this week.

1.Billy Bush, a host on the ‘Today’, was formally removed from his position following the tape of his lewd comments in the now-infamous tape that is seriously affecting Donald Trump’s presidential run.

2. Terrorist group Boko Haram released 21 girls last week; these were the same girls kidnapped from the town of Chibok in 2014. Approximately 197 girls remain captive.

3. Melania Trump has come forward in a new interview stating that the allegations of sexual harassment and assault against her husband, presidential nominee Donald Trump, are false, and that he is a gentleman.

4. Russia announced on Monday an eight-hour humanitarian pause in bombing the city of Aleppo.

5. The Orange County Republican campaign office in North Carolina was firebombed this weekend; as a gesture of support, local Democrats raised over $10,000 to assist in rebuilding the office.

6. Senator John McCain has again risen to the national spotlight after being quoted on a radio program that he would block any Supreme Court nominee set forth by presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

7. Texas A&M announced an all-time enrollment high for the 2016-2017 school year of 66,426 students enrolled, with 60,979 on the College Station campus, qualifying it as the largest university in Texas.

8. The CSISD Board of Trustees released the final rezoning districts for the 2017-2018 school year, which high school students and parents can view here; they also commented that through the process, the public was “derogatory”.

9. Iraqi forces have begun attacking the city of Mosul, an important stronghold for the Islamic State (ISIS) that gave more credence to the terrorist organization.

10. The federal government has released new data on high school graduations, with an all-time record of 83% of high schoolers in America graduating, despite the still-wide gaps between different ethnic and racial groups.

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