Meet the Presidential Candidates, News

2016 Election Week in Review: September 15

from abcnews
from abcnews

As we finally approach the general election in November, The Roar will keep you up to date on major events in the Presidential Election that happened over the last week. Each week, Rachel and Rachel will each report on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s major campaign speeches and announcements.

by Rachel Swartz, staff reporter

On Tuesday, September 13, Donald Trump and his campaign made their way to Aston, Pennsylvania, to reveal his speech concerning a financial child care plan. Trump said that his daughter, Ivanka, was a major influence for his lecture, as she is a hard-working mother of three children and an acclaimed director at the Trump Organization.

Trump’s campaign also released a fact sheet suggesting that rewriting the tax code would allow hard-working parents deductions from their income taxes for child care expenses at a limit of four children and elderly relatives. During his speech, Trump also hit back at Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, as she stated that his supporters were ‘deplorable’.

“While my opponent slanders you as deplorable and irredeemable, I call you, hard-working American patriots who love your country.”

by Rachel Lamb, executive editor

Hillary Clinton had to leave the 9/11 memorial service early, stumbling on her way out.  Her campaign later stated that the Friday before she had been diagnosed with pneumonia. Hillary took a few days off of campaigning, with Bill Clinton representing her at already scheduled campaign stops.  Hillary resumed campaigning on Thursday, saying her sick days acted as a campaign reset.  In a speech after being her recovery, she defended the pastor that Trump called “a nervous mess” after the pastor had interrupted Trump from giving a political speech while visiting an African-American church in Flint.

Additionally, Trump’s new tax plan was released and was widely criticized by many for creating a tax shelter for the rich. The deduction applies to households earning $500,000 or less, and as a tax deduction and not credit, the deduction would provide the greatest benefits for wealthier households. More than 40% of American taxpayers do not pay federal taxes because they do not make enough money to qualify.  That means that for many of the hard-working parents Trump speaks of, they would not receive a benefit from the tax deduction, and in reality, wealthier families would benefit. Trump also announced a 6-week family leave, but in actuality it would not supply full paid leave and rather 6-weeks of unemployment benefits.  In addition, the plan would not apply to fathers.

“People like me, we’re lucky. When I’m under the weather … I can afford to take a few days off. Millions of Americans can’t. They either go to work sick or they lose a paycheck, don’t they.”

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